Friday, January 30, 2009

Coming soon...

( or later)

You know how it says at the top of this page "Check back for ..." even though I haven't made an entry here in a little over 6 months? Well, this very morning I was finally fed up with not being able to get anything done with my programming and writing projects decided to do something about it.

One of my biggest problems was a lack of usable web hosting & reliable database servers, so I've gone and gotten myself a real setup for web space and database rather than having to rely on free hosting with insufficient features or free database servers that crash or are unreliable or, more often than you would think, simply disappear.

Short end is, I now have the ability to actually effectively work on some of my PHP-based projects, as well as distribute some of my other softwares and nonsense. At least for the next two years - which is how much hosting I paid for in advance (I got a hell of a deal on it though.)

As a fun side note, I also registered my own vanity domain name, courtesy of the government of Montenegro. - Go ahead, click it, you know you want to.

It'll just redirect you here, anyway.

In any case, content is coming, because now I have somewhere to put it.


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